A © a pixel of color waiting to be used

Myles Stawman  b.1968, uk

His work is meshed with, threaded into, his own life1

An indepen­dent dramaturg from Yorkshire, the found­ing ringmaster of the inter­national Psychological Art Circus trained for the stage under Yat Malmgren and Christopher Fettes at Drama Centre, London. Pro­fess­ion­ally, with PAC and as live sound designer Opaean, he has per­formed through­out Europe, and beyond, from The Water Tower of Arad to St. Dom­inic's in Zadar.2

  1. 1 Siraj Izhar, quoted in the
    review 'Myles Stawman'
    Art Monthly, June 1999

  2. 2 From Cricoteka, Kraków to Convención Latina de Circo, Bogotá; from Arnold Circus band­stand in London to Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova in Ljubljana; from Ponec - the dance venue, Prague to La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club, New York City.